Me on the weekend the evil MLM’s on the weekend! (I wish – Awesome Fun here!)
As you can probably tell – this well know particular MLM has scammed me for the last time. Whenever I hit the City Speed Networking Events (which I really like BTW), there is always some evil person peddling their dodgy pyramid schemes.
I am attacking the dozens of people I met who break the law everyday when it comes to the Trade Practices Act. That is – they go to events and use their “Charm” to lure people to Coffee Chats for other reasons.
Then, while they have you – they start scamming you with a pre-planned questionnaire designed to get to your wallet.But there is some good news! Besides me strongly suspecting that Automatic Weaponry and dodgy MLM’s mix well (Boy I would love to see that!) – many of these scum-bags don’t even make the event.
That is, they come in – try and screw everyone and very quickly they start getting ignored. And you hear people bantering, “Watch out for him / her – she is trying to scam us with this X scheme”.
So let’s get together and shoot some evil MLM people tonight who have no respect for good honest business people, trying to make a living the “Right” way.
2 Responses
Love your article. Glad to see that honest business people can spot the unethical Amway con men from afar and sound the warning bell! Of course these obnoxious intruders are always on the hunt for the easy prey, much like a pack of hyenas looking for that one crippled wildebeest.
That is a fantastic take I think – it’s really tough. I think like any cult, Amway gets intelligent good people at their weakest moments. Then their allegiance and indoctrination is complete.
Sad – but only through awareness we can help protect those people!