You are Fat and U Suck. Now pay me money (some people actually sell with this mindset – I am not kidding!).
I don’t know what to say. Seriously I don’t. I have had it happen about 3 times over the past 2 – 3 months. Overweight Life Coaches telling me how to lose weight and such.
I usually have something to say, but in these moments I am speechless. Do I insult them? Do I state the obvious hypricosy? Do I stare at the wall? AWKWARD!
I don’t think I am Hugh Jackman and I need to lose a good 5kg – but I am pretty good, but many Life Coaches around are in bad shape. Then, people wonder why that industry has a bad reputation. I do know a few great Life Coaches around town, e.g. Sue Mitchell, Lorna Hollinger, Lisa Penson etc – but I can tell you they are rare.
With these Fat Life Coaches, there are two likely possibilities:
– They are incredibly stupid and assume no one can pick the hypocrisy.
– They are just lying to rip you off.
This also implies that they don’t believe in the basic pillar of leadership, i.e. “Leading By Example”. You can also conclude that they don’t believe in Credible Selling either.
Am I saying that every Life Coach has to be 45kg and starving? Of course not! Nothing wrong with being overweight – but if you are claiming to be a “Health Expert”, you better have the results yourself.
So regardless of what you do, only sell what you have credibility in and also – if someone can’t follow their own advice, don’t hire them!
In fact, if you see me doing the same thing at any point – punch me in the face and bring me back to reality.
3 Responses
Couldnt have said it better myself. Thank you for posting this. Also so many coaches ask their clients to goal set and yet they don’t do it themselves. What the?
Couldnt have said it better myself. Thank you for posting this and I completely agree. Another one I have come across many times also are coaches that get clients to set goals yet they don’t do it themselves. Nothing worse than in congruence. How can you help others if you haven’t first helped yourself.
Thank you for the kind comments! Couldn’t agree more. Those people suck totally 🙂