You Just Need to Be “More Positive”

The Government, The Greens and many leftist factions right are really taking over Australia and punishing the masses.  Two of their clever tricks are “Labelling” and “Positive Thinking”.

That is, if you aren’t a fan of the Carbon Tax – let’s say due to the ideas of jobs going overseas, weakening the economy or you just can barely afford to survive financially as it is – the Leftist and the Government just label us:

– “Anti-Environmentalists”.

– “Global Warming Deniers”.

– “Negative”

– Etc Etc.

It’s really sad in Australia how people in the Media and the Government is really limiting free speech.  That is, the minute we disagree with something – they just attack us with the other extreme.   Just because we don’t want to destroy the Australian economy – we get accused by the far left of crazy ideas that we love “Destroying Forests” or whatever.

Unfortunately, these people really understand how to use “Labelling” and “Positive Thinking” against us.  Because, unless we agree with them – they just use these horrible labels and call us “Negative” and make out we are “Bad” people and the like.

Then, if you get sucked into their arguments, they con you into just being “Positive” so you just become Passive and don’t question or do anything about it.  “Positive Thinking” can be dangerous in the wrong hands, they use it as a weapon to dampen people with opposing arguments. Be careful it’s a jungle out there! Remember, the Government and these Leftist Factions are political machines and experts in manipulation.  As long as you remain aware what they are doing – they won’t suck you in!

[Edward’s Comment years later: Oh yeah, Tony Abbott is Prime Minster.  Yeah! We won in the end, ha ha to all you silly socialists out there!]

2 Responses

  1. Hey Ed,

    if you remember me it’s Josh that went to Grace church. How you doing? I like your rant. I think it poses some really good questions. i think ‘realistic’ thinking is much more helpful than eztremes and absolutes; balance is the key 🙂

    anyway, Take care.

    • Hello Josh! Of course I remember you. I used to really like Dermot’s “Demotivational” approach where I am basically saying the same thing – but he framed it from a more biblical view.

      I.e. Look at things from Gods Viewpoint, not from some lame ass “I am so Happy” view point.

      I trust you are well Josh and awesome to hear from you 🙂

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