I can't wait till I see this Fat Meanie Again :)

I can’t wait till I see this Fat Meanie Again!

One of the fantastic people I work with (by the name of Ralph Rintoule – a high end Property Investor) has been a fantastic reverse client.  That is – although he has hired me for Marketing Help, his years of experience has “Reverse Mentored” me in many ways.

He said something quite interesting the other day in that:

– When we start out, we secrete a “Pheromone” which causes every leech to try and take advantage of us.

That is so true – now I am well beyond “Start Up” stage and have an established business – the people that pushed me around at the start, I am actually now competing with and winning. This is not because I am “Brilliant”, but because I am not a stupid, arrogant or an  unqualified liar like some people I am talking about.

This one fat guy I am talking about in particular, I met when I started my business.  He is this “Awesome Business Coach” and when I had Vista Print Business Cards, no money and was very insecure – he used it as an opportunity to try and intimidate me in front of other people. He questioned what I did, my credentials, my training and I feel very bad for a few days.  2 years later, I am an Sponsor of one of the events he now visits infrequently and he must be making no money.

One time I saw him at an event, my blood boiled and I said to my friend next to me “Hey you see that fat dickhead? Yes, he is the guy who pushed me around when I started”.  The fat dickhead heard me and awesome – he got really intimated and now won’t even come near me. Besides fulfilling my no doubt “Immature” need for retribution, when I speak to many “Zeros to Heroes” I work with – they all have similar stories.  They started, had no money, no network – odds were against them and horrible scum bags like this fellow put them down.

And they found it distressing, but what was very funny – was each of these people often within 12 months grew and overtook the capacity of the people attacking them. It’s not very nice and these people totally suck.  I am glad that this dickhead who put me down, is a fat loser – and is making no money from the networking group. Competitor or not, we must all remember how hard it is starting something new – and just because evil people were mean to us, doesn’t give us any right to be mean to others.

People starting out need support and care! In fact, I have been making this a point of in my business – and people who may have Vista Print business cards need a helping hand – not abuse like this evil idiot dished out. Perhaps next time I see him, I may *Accidentally* bump into him.  Hopefully into oncoming traffic.  People who start out in business needs support – so next time you are at a Networking Event, remember yourself in that position!

And if you happen to be the Fat Business Coach reading this article who bullied me when I started out – I hope you change your wicked ways!

2 Responses

  1. I have to say Ed I consider myself very fortunate in that I’ve never had anyone be downright evil towards my business venture… but i have had ppl take advantage of my goodwill and naiivety when starting out. Karma’s a biatch and even if we don’t get the opportunity for (possibly immature LOL) retribution it will even out!! Trust the universe

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