Let’s Go Beat the Scum Bag Lying “Positive Thinkers” Silly!

I am sick and tired of stupid, dumb, “Lame Positive Thinkers” that barely understand a topic themselves and then go and sell seminars – or write a book on “How Great They Are” and how this book – will just change your life.

I had this very strange experience recently.  Although I am a Marketing Guy & a Business Coach – I have really built my expertise lately as a Social Media Marketer (i.e. YouTube, LinkedIn, this Blog etc). I don’t sell myself in Social Media, however in my own Peer Group – I have become the person to go to with Social Media.

Now, I am not “Yanking My Own” chain or telling you I am wonderful or anything – I know much better people at Social Media than me (but I’m pretty good, considering it’s not my Primary Business).

This one person I know walked up to me and said they want to be a “Social Media Consultant” and do “Seminars” and “Stuff”.  Wow – that is great, this person didn’t even know what LinkedIn was until several months ago.  I am no expert on Social Media, but this person would know 1/20 of what I know (and I would know 1/10 of some of the Social Media pro’s which I know).

What really disgusted me about this process, was that I suggested we should have a chat and you need to get some work done – but this person was still going ahead with it.

This really annoys me.  I was out of work about 4 years ago and I picked the wrong so-called “Business Coach” to help me.  They had no idea! In fact, in hindsight – they made so many mistakes and charged me a pretty penny!

So from all the tired, ripped of people out there to all the stupid, pathetic, lying “Positive Thinking” sods out there – as Stewie Griffin from Family Guy says “Go to Hell”.  Not just me, but many of us are sick and tired of these frauds that run around and take our money.  So, if you are one of these people – I really suggest you take a good hard look at yourself.  Be honest, develop some skills and sell a product of integrity.

If you are not – seriously, you will end up in hell.  Because the world (and me) are sick and tired of you shonks just ripping us off.  So to all the good people out there – Be very careful when you hear claims “Too Good to Be True” – they unfortunately usually are! Do your homework and if someone has some “Great Skill” which they are trying to sell you to you – make sure you know that they know what they are on about!

So, please go out and beat up some “Positive Thinking” scammers tonight.  They deserve nothing but justice (I am kidding of course! Don’t break any laws, but at least “Legally” give them a piece of your mind!).

If you find a way to “Legally” beat them up – then let me know, there are a lot of shonks out there that I would love to practically demonstrate “Pavement Justice” too.  Be careful out there! It’s a Jungle! I wish I learn this stuff 20 years ago!

2 Responses

  1. I hear you, and you are spot on Ed. Being the industry that I am in, we constantly come across other businesses in our industry passing themselves off as experts with no other goal but taking people’s money with no real thought to actually helping them. This issue is from web design, through to SEO, and as you have highlighted here; Social Media. These unscrupulous people take advantage of the general public’s lack of knowledge in these areas, and either end up providing very poor results, or worse in some cases, do damage to the businesses they are trying to help.

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