You don’t think you will get exposed?
In quite a few courses I have done they have all given similar advice of “Faking it Till You Make it”.
Conceptually I get it and agree with it partly – i.e. you may not be brilliant yet, you feel insecure, but “Pretend” you are to help you get there.
That makes some level of sense in that when we start something new, we may be totally brilliant at it – but at some emotional level we feel bad. We then “Lie” to ourselves, saying we are great and eventually we believe it.
Hmm makes sense, but I have seen the dark Under-Belly of this used (often to the charlatans demise around the Sydney scene recently. Consider these examples of unethical deception at work which I have witnessed personally:
LIE #1 – People pay me $500 for my services
REALITY #1 – The liar exchanged money (i.e. $500 for $500 so it’s NIL) with others so they could make this exagerrated claim.
LIE # 2 – I just did over $200K+ worth of sales.
REALITY # 2 – This person has no money. I know that – they told me so and when you meet them you know!
LIE # 3 – I have consulted to Microsoft, Dell & HP
REALITY # 3 – The person just solicited them and failed – now they call themselves consultants to them.
I don’t doubt that some people are fooled by this, but the reality is that most people with some level of Street Smarts see right through this. I have plenty more examples of this very unethical marketing too.
What I find very odd is that for the people that are doing this – they aren’t getting results. That is, honest hard-working people are doing better – but you get these shonks coming to market thinking they can do better.
So I am all for puffing yourself up to make yourself feel better – but be really careful about when your “Spin” turns into “Lying”. It’s actually against the Trade Practices Act and you won’t want to wind up on TV! Substance, Facts and Substance! By all means a bit of Spin is good – but watch yourself out there. As for you liars I am talking about above – I hope you get what is coming to you soon.
And you honest people are totally awesome and rock!
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