OMG – She is not in makeup, be mean to her quick! Then pretend to be Positive so we look better than her!
If you know me or have read my blog in more detail, you have probably figured out I am actually quite a positive thinker. I don’t mean in a “visualize $2000 and my mortgage pays itself” in 30 seconds type of delusional thinker, but in a more:
– “Bad stuff happens, What do we do with it?” type of mentality.
Most of the fantastic people I work with agree with me and we all don’t like negative people! Does me attacking me make me negative? Probably! 🙂
I had a very interesting one today and recently. I was (well still am until my notice clears out) a member of a very large gym which has outlets all across Australia. When I first joined them, they were always “slightly snooty / snobby” but there was some nice staff that made the difference.
Over my 4 years of being with them – they seem to get worse and worse (talking all outlets across Sydney). They would have “less time” for me, treat me poorly, never say goodbye to me when I left (even when I would initiate), charge me like a wounded-bull and then they closed my local gym! (Surprise, Surprise they were going broke).
Compared to some other gyms around town, I have noticed the morale of their gym’s to be down. The staff were not happy (in defense of the staff, I read online they are treated like crap – so can you blame them?), the people there don’t seem happy at all – and no one is talking or interacting. It’s actually quite a lonely place.
In a strict contrast, I have visited JB Hi-Fi stores or even Telstra stores which are happier environments that I feel good when I leave (whether I purchase or not).
In the context of this blog, what really got me about them was their amount of advertising and it’s all “so happy”. That is, everyone is walking around miserable (including yours truly), they have mean messages on the walls saying things like “you must do this”, “you must do that”- and the personal trainers there at times were mean and wouldn’t even say hello back to me after saying hello first (expect for a couple which were really nice).
This got me thinking about the whole purpose behind me writing this blog, my fatigue of people who are really negative and in it for themselves (quite often money) pretending to be positive and it not working!
As of this morning I cancelled my membership at their location and I feel great. Even though they have probably tens of thousands of paying members, they at least don’t have my $22 a week anymore! I would rather donate it to the Salvation Army and do push up’s at home than know it’s going to mean people like them.
My advice to you! It’s not always possible, but only do business with people who you love and love you back. Life is too short to waste in mean people, especially those who are negative but pose as “positive thinkers!”
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