Winning requires many things done well. Business, life and video games has taught me that well!

Winning requires many things done well. Business, life and video games has taught me that well!

I am a massive gamer.

I always have been since my very young days in that it’s kept me entertained as an only child, was a refuge for me during some tough years between homes and talking to the positive and now; I play games on my mobile phone.

I tend to be out a lot, walking to different places, on public transport or at times flying around the country; so mobile games work just the treat for me.

My favourite is ‘Star Wars: Commander’ which is my favourite is a strategic game being official from the Star Wars Universe. It is one where you build your base, build your armies, have your clan / squad and you go forth to attack other people around the world.

When you are logged on you are safe, but when you are logged off; your base is exposed to attack. Depending on how your base is setup and who you are fighting against, you may win or lose.

Losing has consequences and winning has benefits. When you turn your phone back on to log in, sometimes it’s an experience to see how you fared and how things played out.

I see lots of similarities in Star Wars: Commander that I do tend to in real life and entrepreneurship. Great games although are fictional, share some base in reality, making it extra fun and immersive.

One key point you learn in Star Wars: Commander is that winning or losing is not one thing. It’s requires hundreds of things done well with every little decision stacking on the other.

From having the right troops, the right levelling, the correct equipment, the top base layout and more; these small choices stack up to help you win big.

That to me is the most fascinating aspect of this game. To win big, it requires lots of little correct choices always interacting together. You are forever tweaking, helping your squad and it to me it’s just like business in the real world.

My advice and thinking? Success in business is hundreds (if not thousands) of little choices and aspects done well. Each of these stacks on top of each other to make your business slightly stronger.

Having the correct LinkedIn description may not get you hundreds of clients, but combined with a beautiful brand, nice website, great content and top events; can lead to you make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Success is big things and little things done well. Please remember that! It’s been a massive lesson for me on many levels.

Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome friends!



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