I was more than half asleep in this photo, yet Shiv and Div saved me! I love their work!

I was more than half asleep in this photo, yet Shiv and Div saved me! I love their work!

I was reflecting on the massive growth of our wonderful community over the year. It’s been incredible, and I was taking pace on what I have done, the people that trust me to help them and the key characters who have all helped me along the way.

My clients, referral partners, suppliers, friends, family and everyone has contributed to my own success in many ways. My life just wouldn’t work at all without those people and as I get older and my wisdom grows; I realise how my success has come from relying on others to help me win.

Although I am a man of appreciation, it really hit home today when I went to by wonderful nearby café ‘The Coffee Embassy’. It’s a bit of secret gem to find in the Northmead (Sydney) Area in that it’s one of those cafes that unless you are told about it or happen to stumble across it, you probably won’t know about it.

It’s nestled in between two buildings and one of my friends (a tall Russian guy by the name of Egor) who lives nearby told me all about it.

I go there for coffee as much as I can (if I am heading that way) and the wonderful girls there always look after me with upbeat conversation, great service and a hot cup of coffee that is brewed to perfection.

The wonderful Shiva & Divya have worked there as long as I have been in this part of town and they have participated in keeping me sane and caffeinated. I work a lot of nights in Sydney CBD where I often get home at 11PM. I wake up early (cat meowing or baby crying) and I am usually quite out of it.

I then take myself to get coffee every morning and seeing those two is the early stages of picking me up and getting me ready for the day.

I then go and take on crazy projects and win! If it wasn’t for them helping me start it off, I would remain half asleep or buy an inferior brew elsewhere (not going to happen). I need those two, big time!

My advice and lessons? Appreciate all the wonderful people in your life. It can be very easy to get into the thick of things and take people for granted.

That is not a great thing in that it makes us unhappy, people don’t like us and it’s the direct opposite of virtues like love, compassion and being thankful.

Spend some time thinking about everyone who makes your life successful. It changes your perspective and drives one’s own abundance thinking. The more we appreciate, the more we succeed…

Love your work, thank you Div & Shiv and appreciate you for taking the time to read my wonderful articles. You rock.



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