You gotta love it when you are in the zone and no one will stop you from getting it done!
After reaching 6 years in business, I have been thinking about lots of things and really reflecting on what I have done well and honestly have totally f#&ked up over the years.
If you know me from online or in the real world; you will know I am a direct communicator. Everyone loves it as they know I tell the truth and the first person I always shine the spotlight of criticism on is myself.
I think it’s very important to always be rewarding, criticising and mentoring ourselves and one key thing that popped into my mind was the “take no prisoners” line from Lawrence of Arabia.
I can’t actually remember the plot, but it’s basically a point in the film where Lawrence (played by the awesome Peter O’Toole) is leading a group of Arab soldiers and goes extreme and instructs his dark forces to kill everyone.
Even though it’s a serious topic, it usually creates laughs in modern day popular culture. In my case, I kind of look at it in a light hearted manner of:
– Get it done. Now! Perfectly. Brilliantly. Now. ASAP.
It’s basically a mental mode that we get into where we are so focused on the job driven by passion, results and strength; where we are totally in the zone. For me and many of the thousands I have worked with, staying mentally in this productive mindset is critical for us to become powerful marketers and business people.
As I reflect back, sometimes I have been knocked over, got totally bummed out and feel not confident in what I do. Every time though I have bounced back; the harder I get, the smarter I become and the more difficult it becomes to knock me over again.
My advice and lessons awesome friends after the 6 tough, rewarding and awesome years? Take no prisoners in your approach! Go hard, get it done, be passionate about your work and let no one stand in your way.
Bad people will stand in our way as time passes and don’t let them get you down. Go hard, get it done, smile and win.
Love your work, thanks for the read, thank you Lawrence of Arabia and stay awesome!
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