Hanging your hat on one Single Marketing Strategy is rarely a good move.  It's great to have say 3 - 6 Marketing Strategies that all help in a cumulative fashion!

Hanging your hat on one Single Marketing Strategy is rarely a good move. It’s great to have say 3 – 6 Marketing Strategies that all help in a cumulative fashion!

One big misconception out there (which I think can be driven by people selling their wares) is that there will be a “Single Marketing Strategy” that will save you, make you millions of dollars, take 20 years off your looks, make Sydney Traffic go away and will make your PC go faster and not crash on you all the time.

In my work as a Small Business Marketing Mentor, I get asked often by very awesome (and sometimes sadly starved) people who are quite desperate to get new clients in ASAP.  This has been a problem for me too at many points in my business.  In fact, on a funny note – when I got back from my UK Business Trip in May 2014, I had 5 x Clients finish up in 1 week! This was a massive hit, but my Marketing and Selling was great and I had 6 x New Clients in just 4 x weeks so all good.

In bringing it back to the point of the article, this wasn’t because of some “Secret / Killer Marketing Strategy” I was using.  It wasn’t my Networking, Personal Selling, Referral Strategies, LinkedIn, Email Marketing, Facebook, Blogging, Business Cards, Corporate Profile, Workshops – it was a combination of a bit of all of them.

That is if you see my point playing out, when it comes to Marketing, very rarely will “One Single Marketing” Strategy / Channel save the day.  Sure, you will get some that work incredibly well (as for me with Networking, Selling, Blogging, LinkedIn & Facebook) – but I have never seen a business just rely on “One Single Strategy”.

What I have found (including myself) is that big or small – a business needs a range of say 3 – 6 different Marketing Strategies it uses.  Each technique has it’s own strength and weaknesses and it’s more of finding the right match / combination that suits one business.

Some people love Facebook, some Hate it, some Love Email Marketing, some Hate it and so on. What I have learned in business is that you experiment with a few and pick what you really like, don’t like and want to make part of your business operations.

My advice? Never hang your hat on “One Strategy” to save the day.  Hang your hat on 3 – 6 of them and go hard making them better all time.

I trust that helps and thank you for the read! Speaking of various Marketing Strategies of course, check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” right here – full of action packed goodness!

Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves various Marketing Strategies!



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