Like my Sydney Cat Miffy, he is always fired up and ready to pounce on other cats, food and anything that comes his way.  I like his example for when it comes to Business and Marketing!

Like my Sydney Cat Miffy, he is always fired up and ready to pounce on other cats, food and anything that comes his way. I like his example for when it comes to Business and Marketing!

I am very lucky (as I am writing this article) to be resting in the lovely Regional Wollongong getting ready to speak to 25 Awesome Business People tomorrow at 4Networking Wollongong.  As much as I love Sydney, I love “Getting Away” to the fine NSW Countryside for a few days to relax, unwind and think about things.

I was originally just planning to visit the Group, say hello to people and I was very lucky to get a great phone call from Emma Perrow who runs the Group There – “Hi Edward, our Speaker can’t make it that day, can you please speak to our group?” In my game of Marketing and Mentoring – Public Speaking is a fun and very profitable activity and the more one can do it the better!

What was interesting is that I got the phone call at 10:30PM at night and it was no problem.  I had a presentation already to go, I got 30 x Copies Printed, I have a projector, prizes to give away and the lot.  Basically, I was “Ready to Take” the opportunity.  If I reflect back to myself say 12 months ago, there is NO WAY I would be ready to jump on the opportunity like I am in this situation.

Talking more on a broader level and Small Business Sales & Marketing – I have found over the years in business, you get “Random Opportunities” that come up.  It may say be speaking at an event to many people, a big Corporate showing interest, a great big client come your way, a chance meeting with a powerful business leader or basically a “Positive Event” coming along.  What I have found is that it’s really important to ensure that you are ready to jump on it!

That is, if you say can’t handle the work, you will miss out on that massive client, if you have no presentation – no speaking and if you don’t look the part – no way you will impress the important business person.

As much as you can within reality, in business you want to have cash in the bank, time up your sleeve, presentations ready and be ready for any positive event that is coming along.  It’s great that I am ready to do the presentation and if I wasn’t – I would have missed a massive opportunity.

My advice and lesson from this experience? Always improve, be ready and keep your eyes open – you never know when that “Big Break” is coming and YOU MUST make sure you are ready to pounce on it when it comes!

Thank you for the read and Happy Days and Nights from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Man who Loves Taking Opportunities!



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