Getting my eating under control took me lots of tries and rethinking everything. WORTH IT!

Getting my eating under control took me lots of tries and rethinking everything. WORTH IT!

I have been very grateful to the wonderful Jesus Christ lately for helping me finally get my eating under control. In confessing to you all, ‘food’ has always been my vice and I have had a lot of issues with my relationship to it.

After once going too far food wise, I finally hit the point and really got my discipline up. I prayed quite heavily and as I kept my focus in the right direction, my discipline just keeps improving and the results have been great.

I must of course be careful now. I am feeling great, but I know that If I am not careful, I could relapse back into old ways (which I will ensure I do not do again).

Many wonderful people have asked me how I have done it. Even though my Psychologist and Nutritional friends have every right to disagree with the overt simplicity of this statement, the truth is that:

  • I just stopped being dumb.

I was being dumb! I would eat heavy carbs after 6PM, I would have some days where I ate over 12,000+ kilojoules (more than 3000+ Calories) and what a shock I got a bit fat.

Why I did this is a whole other conversation, but it comes down to me putting down the fork. Saying no. Having light meals after 6PM. Great quality exercise. Making sure I also don’t go too far above 8,000 kilojoules per day also made a wonderful difference.

Before I lost the weight, I was feeling really ‘not right’ all the time. My emotions sometimes would move on a dime, I would always be hungry (from eating too much sugar) and I always had a sore lower back and my right knee played up.

As the weight went down, all that extra pain just left and it’s been a wonderful cathartic exercise!

In short? I put down the fork. It hasn’t been doing ‘more’, but doing ‘less’ of the wrong thing.

My advice and thinking? We are all built differently and there is nothing wrong with getting some held to do this. Even though I did ‘win in the end’, in hindsight I wish I got some professional help to get my weight and that under control (I did it myself over time).

The sooner you get your weight under control, the better you shall feel and it will take your life to the next level.

Love your work, thank you for your support everyone and appreciate it!



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