Putting myself out there at BIZRUPTION really paid off!

Putting myself out there at BIZRUPTION really paid off!

If you are a wonderful client (thank you), you probably would have heard me utter many key phrases to you.

One of my favourite key lines of them all is:

  • “Put yourself out there. DO IT!”

It’s a cornerstone of many of the topics I explore; in that to succeed in business, you must really put yourself out there (especially for us entrepreneurs). I then often follow it up with a firm and encouraging “DO IT!” in that people often freak out when I say this.

What got me thinking about this was Facebook sharing one of my memories from a year ago.

Before I got my own Meetup events going really well, I used to visit lots of other events. One of them that I loved then and do this day (and will try to visit if I can) is BIZRUPTION. It’s run by the wonderful team at Netstripes and it’s a Meetup that I really enjoy and will visit if I get the chance.

During their events, they had a competition of basically who can post the most on Facebook & Twitter with their hashtag.

As a guy who seriously spends too much time on his phone, I took this to the extreme and posted about them something like 15 times in an evening. I evidently won and it was not only fun, it gave me a lot of recognition.

I ended up getting wonderful clients from the event (with some that I am working to this day) and it was testament to me putting myself out there.

If I stayed quite in the corner, did nothing; I guarantee you that I would have earned as much.

However, as I put in, it paid off.

My advice and thinking? Put yourself out there as much as you can! It’s so critical and highly recommended. It may be at events, videos on LinkedIn & Facebook, approaching companies and the like.

Just keep putting yourself out there! As you do it well, it paves the way for massive success and great things to come.

Love your work, thank you Netstripes and stay awesome friends!



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