Old School thinking is awesome when melded with Modern Thinking and technology. Take the best of the past and deliver more of it with technology!
Hello Awesome People!
After watching Mad Max: Fury Road all I can say it was really Well Done. It is a Modern Action Film with endless References to the Original “Old School” Max Mad making it a Brilliant film.
This must not have been an easy job by any stretch of the Imagination. The moment you say “I am going to redo a timeless classic” is really setting yourself up for a Harsh Critique. They Delivered and I couldn’t help thinking “Mel Gibson” every step of the way.
Bringing it back to Marketing & Business, it made me Reflect onto the Reasons why I am not only still around – but my Business is Growing quite Rapidly these days. I have also reflected on my Awesome Clients too, who are happily Kicking Butt as well – especially in how they use “Modern Technology” combined with “Old Fashioned Business Sense” within all Facets of their Businesses.
Like Mad Max, my Clients are always Encouraged to take “The Right” part of the Past – and combine it with what is Up and coming that Fits in with the the Future of their Industry. I Find sometimes, Businesses get left behind for two Reasons; one being they are Out of Touch and secondly – on being they are Over-Obsessed with the latest Technology / Toys, and this can have a Detrimental Effect.
Success today Requires the Intelligent Hybrid of both Extremes, and my take on this is:
– Old School to Keep: Service, Connecting with People, Personalization, Quality, Results, Outcome, Integrity and Looking after People.
– Modern Innovations to Use: Leveraged Communications, Automated Online Marketing, Great Imagery & Modern Day Toys & Technology that will help you get all that you need Done everyday, Efficiently.
These bases of “The Past” combined with the “The Future” give way for one Successful Business full of Innovation and results.
My take and Advice? Go see Mad Max: Fury Road. Also, think about your Business & Marketing quite Carefully and work hard on Blending “Old World” values with the “Cutting Edge”. I think of Technology not being a Replacement – but a means of doing more “Old World” Tasks Faster & Better. If you have great Products, Services and Take Care of your Clients – Technology allows you to do more of it on a Grander Scale.
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault”
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia sign out – Stay Awesome!!
One response
[…] recently enjoying the Mad Max: Fury Road film it inspired me to write a blog article that talked about “Old School Basics Combined with New Technology”. The latest film […]