The new Josh Zuker Travel Website is Premium, Impressive and I will help convert more high value clients. Impressive to say the least!
Over the stacking years now of being a Marketing Mentor I have learned many amazing things. Every day that passes I seem to learn something more and one re-occurring theme has been over the years is:
It’s not about getting clients, it’s about getting profitable clients!
I can swear to this statement with pin-point accuracy in that I have turned around many of my own clients not by them getting ‘more clients’ but getting more of the ‘right clients’.
One key element of attracting the right clients is that of one’s website. Be it they are a referral to you or say find you online for the first time – they website is one of the first things potential clients see.
When this occurs, two things happen:
They either like it and stay. Or they don’t and go.
Obviously them going is not a great thing and we don’t want that. We want people to stick on our websites for a while, do lots of reading and then say “Awesome, I’m in” and make an enquiry!
This all sounds great on the surface and what it comes down to is having a quality website that tells the potential client what they need to hear, it makes you look like a ‘Trusted Supplier’ and also it gives them great functionality for purchasing / making contact.
When I work with clients, getting the website right is often one of my earliest recommendations for exactly that reason. You maybe say getting 2,000 visits per month and no leads. Update your website and get say 20 Leads per month with 5 converting into clients. Nice!
A great example of a brand new website (out today) is done by the awesome Josh Zuker from Josh Zuker Travel.
He has worked very hard on creating a brand new website that gives great information, looks premium and is up there with a ‘High Quality Travel Brand’. I think it’s a great new launch and like many clients – I am sure he will wield this nicely to grow his business and help more people.
My advice and thinking? Get your strategy right, make sure your product / service rocks and get your website right. It is there selling for you 24 hours per day 7 days a week, so give it the TLC and energy it deserves.
Love your work, thank you to Josh Zuker for being the poster boy – and of course, stay awesome!
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