My sore throat and workshop was saved by a mere pack of Fisherman’s Friends. Always pays to come up with great ideas in difficult moments!
I am a very lucky man with a sore throat that is coming good. Today I was very lucky to do a full day workshop with one of my awesome clients ‘The Northern Sydney Institute, part of TAFE NSW’ (“NSI”). It was a hit and I got some rave reviews – so I am very happy.
NSI are an impressive type of business that are a natural hybrid between Enterprise, Mid-Tier Entrepreneurial and Government. They have traits of each with a unique type of individuals working with them creating change and innovation at a local and organizational level.
Our workshop was lots of fun working dealing with anything from the pleasant fun of selling to the not so pleasant side of working with people that can be hard to influence.
I haven’t had a sore throat in about 12 months and like my luck at times – I woke up with a sore throat that day. I was itchy on the right hand side and after a meeting that morning, my voice was already getting raspy.
I had at least 6 x hours of speaking to get through and I was very worried. I mean really worried. My voice needs to hold up so I can make the day all in one piece. This took me to immediate ‘Battle Stations’ and I went straight to a Pharmacy to load on what I had.
There were some heavy lozenges, however it was an old classic that saved my life. Fisherman’s Friends were available in their ‘Sugar Free’ version and after taking one I felt immediate relief.
The pain went away and my voice actually worked and sounded 100% in nature. Throughout the whole day I ate a whole packet of them and if it wasn’t for them I would have been dead meat for sure. It helped me make the workshop a success and oh boy I am lucky!
My advice and thinking? Stuff can always go wrong at the best of times and we got to come up with cunning back up plans.
In my case it was a packet of awesome Fisherman Friend’s that saved my day. Who ever thought that would make all the difference?
Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome!
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