I ridin’ the Trump Train!
I said it then and I say it now, it’s going to be at least 50 / 50 that Trump will win the election for President. Nothing is guaranteed in politics, but I what I do guarantee is that Trump is one of the savviest, most intelligent and clever candidates to ever grace an election.
I believe that he will win and have said that all along.
Years before this, I have been reading books in Donald Trump. I actually didn’t start off a fan, but as time passed and I was in my own business, I ‘toughened’ up. I then developed a massive appreciation for the Trump.
When he came out, I said ‘Trump is going to win’. Many thought I was insane, laughed at me with some even calling me a ‘racist’ (which is interesting being a Middle Eastern man who speaks out against racism all the time).
People don’t laugh at me anymore when I say Trump is going to win and he has winning momentum and pull in his campaign now. Even though I don’t trust polls (as they swing fast) he was at least 8% ahead of Hillary.
He is on a roll and there are many reasons for that and I want to share my top 5 with you all:
1) Political Correctness is no longer popular: PC is not his thing and he deplores it. After a decade or two of having the ‘word police’ after us, people are sick and tired of having to watch what they say.
2) Hillary is not the strongest of players: From confidential emails, defending the undefendable Bill to playing a ‘female card’ – she is not exactly the elite pick.
3) Trump’s support of Policing, Military and Security: Immigration, borders and the tragedy and violence against policing is what Trump is focusing on to win votes.
4) People need jobs and want business done: Love or hate Trump, he knows money. The establishment isn’t creating jobs, so why not try someone proven?
5) He is not the establishment: Nobody loves being told what to do by the ‘powers to be’ and he is coming in outside the system to shake things up. Cool!
Trump rocks! He’s awesome and you have African Americans, Gays and jaded Ex-Bernie supporters flocking to him – besides the everyday worker appreciating him. I love him for a range of reasons with my favourite being that he does actually care about the people (something rare in politics today).
My pick? He is going to win. I bet on it and cannot wait. Love your work, thanks for the read and stay awesome!
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