It was beautiful walking through the new Lindt Cafe Martin Place today and RIP to Tori and Katrina!
It was only a few months ago that us Sydney Siders were challenged with the sad news of the Martin Place siege. A dangerous Radical Islam Gunman (who should never had been on the streets) terrorized a whole massive city and ended the lives of Tori Johnson & Katrina Dawson (RIP to them both!).
Today was a bittersweet day in the respect of seeing it re-opened. I was very lucky to be in the city around 1PM today to visit at it’s peak and it was a beautiful sight. There was a line around the block, you couldn’t get a seat, the place was packed, the vibe was awesome and you can tell that people aren’t going to let Radical Islam stop them from living their lives to the fullest.
When I walked in there, the first thing I did was do the “Walk-Around” on the place. I walked in, took some great footage to put on Facebook (see below) and I couldn’t find the dedication plaques. They were just behind the door with some flowers left beneath it and it was a very bittersweet / unusual thing to watch. Everyone is happy that we have re-opened, however the other side is the sadness of the suffering and innocence lost during the whole tragedy.
In short, I’d love to let the Facebook Video below do the talking! RIP to Tori & Katrina and it’s great that it’s reopened bigger and brighter than before.
To the end of Radical Islamic Terror, safer times and a popular Lindt Concept!
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