I was cold, tired, but the photo came out great (with many attempts!)

I was cold, tired, but the photo came out great (with many attempts!)

As I am almost recover from some quite heavy jet lag, I am back after a whirlwind and extremely successful trip to New York.

This was a great trip on many levels with one being a massive test of my own personal endurance. I had travelled 30 hours door to door both ways (60 in total), it was cold, I worked some incredible hours, had to be in high energy mode and even ran around Central Park (that took me 50 minutes for about 9km).

I loved this trip on many levels and I will always remember my first morning in New York. Although I was happy to be there, I was in a daze, extremely cold and adapting to the new surroundings.

As I walked about 35 minutes to my first location, I decided to take a photo of myself. I saw these cool American Flags behind me and this was one of the hardest photos I ever took of myself.

I kept trying and I didn’t look right, I looked tired and I just couldn’t get it. After the 12 try, I got it and it was perfect! I even considered giving up at one point, but I didn’t. However, I then got it and IT WAS GREAT!

This described my whole trip. Something was hard. Kept trying. Then got it and it felt great. It reminded me of a common lesson in how to react when the going gets tough. This is where the tough get going! It’s a lesson of endurance and doing what’s required.

My advice and thinking? In whatever what you do, have lots of endurance and really stick at it. As we do that, life really works and it just rocks. For me it’s been hard, but it’s been great and loved it!

Enjoy the thoughts, love your work and stay awesome friends!



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