Personal & Corporate Fitness Trainer and Ex-Australian Navy Seaman Lewis O’Brien joins us with some great Fitness & Health Insights. Love his work!
I remember just a few years ago I wasn’t very fit, I was wasn’t very strong, I wasn’t in good shape, I wasn’t well dressed and I WASN’T GETTING ANY CLIENTS!
This really sucked and when you consider that I am “Marketing Mentor” I couldn’t even Market myself. I picked this hypocrisy in myself immediately and I worked night and day to “Prove I was telling the truth!”
I totally changed my life from start to finish! I got some help from Nutritionist Fiona Kane and got my diet under control, went back to the gym (Anytime Fitness are great), got some great fashion advice from Drina Ng, Matt Craig, Jenny Kuo & Karen Hillen and had a “Makeover” in more Dr. Phil Terms.
Over this time frame I got more and more clients and my business just took off giving me a massive sense of satisfaction. With thanks to Lauren Watts (from Ms Virtual Assistant) for the introduction I was able to meet Personal and Corporate Trainer Lewis O’Brien only just recently. I really wish I met him 3 years ago!
Lauren gave us a very intelligent introduction, we instantly clicked and I found quite quickly he had just finished active Australian Navy Service – having seen Live Action as “Able Seaman O’Brien”. It wasn’t long before we were exchanging stories of my own time working for the Government in anything from me sitting in for days watching people, to those 60 second moments of being James Bond (I still didn’t get my Aston Martin however).
Lewis gave me some great fitness advice and he is working with many of my own clients and not only getting rave reviews, MY CLIENTS ARE SHRINKING! Yes, they are getting slimmer and fitter (with their Wallets / Purses getting fatter. Yay!).
I invited him to Guest Blog with us on “The Edward Files” and I trust you enjoy these inspirational thoughts!
“Being the one that achieves your New Years Fitness Goals!” – Guest Blog by Lewis O’Brien:
T’was the week before Christmas, when all through the gym
Not a creature was stirring, not even a gym rat;
The barbells were sitting in place with care,
In hope that someone would soon be there;
The treadmills were nestled all snug next to each other,
While visions of sweat of their next users danced in their heads.
This is a common theme in many fitness facilities before Xmas and New Year, before the mad rush just after when everyone starts their New Year’s resolution to get fit, loss weight etc. The sad fact is only 8-12% will actually achieve their New Year’s resolution, even though 52% are confident of success.
There is one key factor that will alternately decide if you succeed or fail.
That is, a plan!!! What do I want to achieve, when do I want to achieve it, how do I achieve it.
Surprisingly most people can answer the, what and when, but don’t really know the how part.
Let us take weight-loss as an example as it is the number 1 New Year’s resolution (according to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology).
Here’s just 5 how’s that I uses with my one-on-one clients and as part of my ’60 Day Fitness Challenge’.
1. Avoid grains and sugar, these tend to be high GI and promote a storage response from the body
2. 1/3 of your plate should contain lean meat, chicken, fish etc. (i.e. protein)
3. 2/3 of your plate should contain vegetable
4. Write down everything you ingest, I say ingest as I want to hear everything including water/alcohol to get a good picture of your day-to-day intake. Most people are surprised of their improvement once they start writing everything down.
5. Exercise at least 4 times a week, you’re probably surprise right now that I’ve put exercise last, there’s an important reason for that. At the end of the day you can’t out train a poor diet.
There’s a heap more, but I would like to start off with just a few basics ones as not to overload you.
My main point is to start off very specific and have a plan. Lastly have some sort of measurement before you begin your New Year’s resolution, I uses a combination of weight, girth measurements and photos. I find photos work best as you get to see the most compelling change in someone.
If you have a New Year’s Resolution and need to work on the What, When and How, it’s not that hard and is nothing to be fearful of!
Lewis O’Brien
Personal Trainer, Corporate/Office Wellness Specialist and Crossfit Certified Trainer
Director – Beats per Minute Fitness
Ph 0437 871 675 / lewis@beatsperminutefitness.com.au
Edward’s Post Blog Commentary:
Right now my own Personal Fitness and Strength is the best it’s been in my entire life. However, where I have been a bit off track is eating not far too much “Grains & Sugar”. This has been through Bread, Chocolate and too much Red Wine. In one respect I am really good, however reading this has given me some great insight and a friendly reminder.
Talking more as a Marketing & Business Mentor too, for almost all Small Business Owners I strongly argue that by “Being Fit & Healthy” it will help you make more money. Assuming your business model works and all else commercially is equal, better Health & Fitness means you look better, you become more convincing and can sell better, you have more energy, you do more work and you make more money. Think about that Awesome Friends…..
Contact Lewis if you need a hand! He is very approachable and great to speak too (and is based Sydney, Australia).
Love your work and thank you Lewis and thank you from Edward Zia!

“The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia” – a Premium Online Course full of Awesome, Realistic and Workable Sales & Marketing Strategies!
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