The irony is that Trump's critics turned me into a supporter...

The irony is that Trump’s critics turned me into a supporter…

Some people over the years have asked me time and time again, “Edward, how on Earth do you love Donald Trump?”

I have found that most people love Donald Trump to varying degrees, however the people who don’t are extremely vocal about it. I even got threatened with violence over it (which was really funny actually, but another story for another time).

Over the years I have always had a fondness for Trump. I was reading his books and studying him over 15 years ago, much before anyone knew who he was in Australia. There was something magnetic about him.

What turned this fondness however into a full-blown obsession and love for me, was when people started attacking me for liking him. Perhaps it was some type of ‘Rebel’ type of response which roughly went like this like with a feedback loop:

–          [Heroic Me] I love Donald Trump

–          [Person attacking me] You are terrible for loving Donald Trump

–          [Heroic Me] But why?

–          [Person attacking me] Because you should not Ed and you suck.

–          [Irritated Me] I love Donald Trump even more and you can’t stop me

–          [Attacker giving up] You are awful Ed

–          [Happy Me] I am going to post Trump stuff on Twitter now

Hence the cycle would continue. To be honest I never really loved Trump, I liked him sure, but never loved him. The fact that people attacked me for liking him is what turned me into a full-blown Trump supporter.

What also complicated this slightly is my heritage. I am Australian, however identify proudly as a man of Persian Christian decent and I am clearly of non-white origin. Some would bring that up as an issue, saying that someone of ‘colour’ shouldn’t be supporting Trump. This ironic statement of basically “Ed, because of the colour of your skin I should vote a certain way” would irritate me more and make me love Trump more.

The irony of all this, is that I didn’t start out as a Trump supporter. People kept trying to bully me and attack me. This made me a Trump supporter and advocate. It’s how us humans work. Nobody likes being pushed around and when you are told not to think a certain way or like something, you must like it more.

I love your work friends! Hope you enjoy my wonderful explanation and whether you love Trump or not and hate me or not, wishing you the best and Peace Man ????



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