It’s been a fascinating and very odd few years in Australian politics. From democratically voted PMs being booted out by their own parties, scandal after scandal and an interesting trend of the major two parties losing power.
Both Labor and Liberal I recall used to be what ‘everyone’ voted for and you’d have your smaller parties. That is now fragmenting with minor parties on the rise.
One fascinating come back story is Pauline Hanson. She has been one of the people that has been mocked for what feels like decades now and I have been saying for years when I just “I don’t like it”.
Pauline has had many trials and made a massive come back in the 2016 Federal Election with 4 senators elected including herself. It’s quite amazing how much ground she has attained considering there is 76 seats.
The Establishment has been against her for years and what is fascinating is how the media and everyone keeps attacking her and trying to take her down. From calling her everything with ‘phobic’ on end of it, Greens members walking out on her speeches and story after story slamming her.
But the Establishment can’t stop her. She is getting more liked and powerful.
These comments come from what you can see in real time. If you visit any article written about her that say gets shared on Facebook; you can yes see people attacking her and people agreeing with her / defending her.
If the Establishment was so powerful, then how did she get 4 seats? How did she ‘hoodwink’ so many people?
The truth of the matter is that worldwide the so called ‘Establishment’ and the ‘Media’ don’t have the power or influence they used too. A very good survey from RT shows that only 6% of American’s trust their own media.
I bet it’s not much higher in Australia and the media must hate it. To think that one day they would put anything on paper and people would lap it up; to today where they have even disabled comments on their own sites.
My thinking and lessons from this? With thanks to a smarter population, people asking questions, the internet and the like – the masses aren’t just ‘eating’ what they are fed anymore. You can see it in our country, the UK and very noticeable in North America.
People are smart and ask questions. Lots of questions in fact. I used to be very naive and just listen to what I was told.
These days we must question everything. The so called ‘Establishment’ that wants to control us is shrinking in power and isn’t that great? We as a people are proving we can think with our own minds.
It will be fascinating to see what comes out from Pauline Hanson over the coming months. One thing for sure (even Lefties have called this); the media attacks is bringing lots of sympathy support to our Fish and Chip shop owning friend.
Love your work, thanks for the read and stay awesome!
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