It’s great finding high value clients where there is a mutual win win! (Thank you to Fallout for the use of Vault Boy!)
I just had a very good phone discussion with a confidential colleague (who I have a lot of respect for that shall remain nameless) and we spoke about her new Corporate Business Development Role.
We shall call her * Alice * for this article and she has taken on a role with a top Financial Institution.
Over the phone on hands free – we had a great conversation and one big realization she had and a key discussion point is not that she needs “Clients” – she needs “High Value Clients”. Put in direct terms, one large client can create the revenue of 30 x little clients and her opportunity is to focus on the “Right” people to get as clients.
Even though my business model is quite different (as I have my Awesome Marketing Vault for anyone and love working with entrepreneurs) – for many of my clients (especially in the Financial Game) success is having a client book with Awesome Clients who love the Premium / Quality work they do.
Getting this concept alone right has turned around many of my clients businesses in that you want to be really clear on your “Ideal Target Market” and you make sure you are fishing in the right pond for them.
Quite often, you get people that say are targeting high net worth individuals – but then they are spending time in areas / events where these people don’t exist. From a Sales viewpoint, if you are say targeting Businesses of 5 and above staff or the like – you need to have access and a means of meeting these people.
This may be through Business Chamber Meetings, Referrals from your colleagues (like you can meet at 4Networking) or even so using LinkedIn or the like to identify who they are.
My advice and thinking? Like for my friend * Alice * make sure your Sales & Marketing thinking targets your ideal market with ideal products & services. Selling is a good win / win – so when you give the right tech, to the right people everyone is happy.
Love your work, thank you for the read and enjoy your high value clients wonderful people!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Entrepreneur who loves helping people kick butt with their Sales & Marketing. Based in Sydney, Australia – a leader at 4Networking too, he loves connecting with cool people. If you like what you see, feel free to friend him on LinkedIn / Facebook and for more – check out his Premium Home Study Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” >> Right Here!

The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia! Plenty of Great Ideas in my Home Study Course – Right Here!
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