Don't need to eat properly or do exercise, just be Positive and everything will be fine! :)

Don’t need to eat properly or do exercise, just be Positive and everything will be fine!

Lately I have been working “My Butt Off” (pardon the pun) to really get my eating under control.  Even though I consider a fantastic Business Person / Marketer – I have always suffered from additions throughout my whole life.

Unless I am always applying conscious effort, I tend to start eating whatever I want again and “Pork Up” if I am not careful!

Anyway, I am going quite well in doing things the right way – and it reminds me of how hard addictions to break.

I find some people just don’t suffer from addictions and they don’t get it – but if you are like me and have that “Nature about you” I am sure you can relate.  This situation got me thinking about the “Fat Life Coach” I always love talking about.

Now before you think “Ed is attacking fat people”, no way – I can’t do that as I am currently overweight! (and even when I was slim I didn’t do that) But I am attacking hypocrisy in general – this Life Coach I know is extremely overweight and whenever I see them – I get lots of “Fantastic Advice” on how to lose weight.

This person worships Positive Thinking as their god and takes quite an extreme view that all Negative Thinking is “Bad” and a result of society brainwashing us.  A good discussion to be had there, but it’s fair to say – that is person can’t control their own weight (let alone is going out on limb trying to pretend to be an authority on this topic).

When I put on lots of weight, I felt bad.  And what I realized in hind-sight was that I was subconsciously using “Positive Thinking” to make myself feel better.  For example, ” I am not that Fat”, “I still look good”, “I am just getting older” and all these positive statements to justify why it’s fine.

So in other words, Positive Thinking made me fat! This insight made me think about our overweight life coach friend – they are using the same approach to their mindset that I was and look at them!

So please watch out for not only hypocritical characters like above trying to claim they are something they are not and take your money – but also not listening to so called “Negative Emotions” are telling you! If you are nice and healthy, please don’t make my mistake – and if you got into a bit of health trouble like I did, just admit it and do something about it!

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