Trey Parker and Matt Stone coin the phrase ‘Psych-Out’ in the great film Baseketball!
Oh boy this even happens to me. Even though many regard me as positive, tough and focused character – there are times when I get “Psyched-Out”.
“Psyched-Out” was a term that I borrowed from one old Trey Parker & Matt Stone Film (the creators of Southpark) by the name of “Baseketball”. In this film, they basically event a humorous basketball game (which is a hybrid of baseball) in that they have a chance to “Psych-Out” the opposite.
As you can imagine from the creators of South Park, when someone is about to shoot – they do all sorts of things of shock, toilet humour and purely whacky stuff you expect them to do. It’s basically that, you mentally shock your opponent so they stuff up their shot.
This has equally happened to me too in business! For whatever reason, I do get psyched out at times which can happen for almost any bizarre reason. I regard it as life in Sydney and the challenge of when we get shocked and don’t feel like marketing is a tough one.
It happens to me here and there every few weeks – much less than it used too, but it’s quite normal that business or personal life can throw up a ‘doozie’ that makes us pull back and not want to market.
I have a secret strategy that for FREE, I’d love to share with you people on this topic. It’s so powerful in nature and it’s a proven technique for getting over being shocked and marketing when you don’t feel like it.
I even practised it this morning when I didn’t feel like it and I hope you are ready to learn the 7 x kep tips. Here goes:
1) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
2) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
3) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
4) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
5) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
6) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
7) Get over it, make yourself do it then smile and feel awesome that you pushed yourself.
Powerful I know! Obviously I am having fun with this post – but it’s very true. The more we push ourself when we don’t feel like it makes us very powerful business people indeed!
My advice? You are going to get psyched-out at times (just like I do) and that is part of being human. Part of being a successful human is overcoming your urges and doing what’s right. Such as marketing yourself of course!
Thanks for the read, love your work, stay awesome and you rock!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor x x
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