Through Unemployment, Massive Success and my Life – The Boys from South Park have helped me keep me sane. It’s great having something you can enjoy to get through those peak hours with a smile in style! (Thank you South Park for not being mad at me for using this cool image!)
Earlier in the year I was very lucky and so happy to have a full workload of awesome clients. Be it tons of referrals, people finding me through my blogs or people who say follow my Facebook Page for months and like me overtime; I get lots of great leads and am a very lucky and happy man.
With success for me has come some very long hours which I totally love. My work is very rewarding to me and talking reality, at times I have to do some crazy / totally insane hours. Talking more not so much Sales & Marketing but just managing a “Massive Workload” – the reality is that you can only delegate so much and get so much more efficient.
Once you have done that, ultimately you will be doing some long hours. As you do this, a big question comes to mind for at least myself, “How do you do the Crazy Hours and Stay Sane?”
For me, it’s often harder than it sounds, but I have found that you have to have a “Pressure Valve” of some form. You got to be able to enjoy yourself even in the peak of massive workloads and smile, stay sane and keep up the production.
There are good ways and bad ways of doing this of course. For me, one of my “Bad Ways” have been consuming excess amounts of junk food, plenty of sugar, eating unhealthy and basically doing anything that would make my mother take little pride in me.
Talking to the “Good Ways” for me it has been keeping a sense of humour, lots of South Park, Family Guy, American Dad – basically Whacky TV shows that keep my smiling and going in style.
I have found that not only in myself, but the thousands of people I have worked with over the years – is that many often manage peak workloads in an unhealthy manner. I think one has to accept reality in that Small Business you are going to have some busy times so it’s best to manage them as positively as possible.
My advice? If you are in that “Peak Workload” like I am – try not to let it get to you too much. It’s actually a REALLY GOOD THING to happen to anyone and the more fun you can have with your reality and workload, the happier you are going to be, the more you are going to get done, the great quality of your work and the satisfaction you will have.
South Park, American Dad, Family Guy may not be your thing and that is great – but find your “Pressure Value” and take it easy as much as you can awesome people!
Thank you for the read from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who “Yes” is watching South Park Right Now!
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