I love being me. It's just easier!

I love being me. It’s just easier!

I had a great conversation yesterday in which I caught up with an old friend that knew me just when I started my business. Even though I am a Marketing Mentor, I actually started out doing some studies in Life Coaching and NLP (through the TCI College in Melbourne). I met this great guy who is not only brilliant – but quite nice to look at (lol).

We ended up meeting for lunch enjoying well-made coffee, toasted sandwiches and it was great seeing how we have moved on to many new wins in life.

As I spoke to my friend Simon he congratulated me on my wins and made some insightful comments about how I have ‘changed’ over the years. I hoped this was for the better (which fortunately it was) and I asked him to tell me straight for better or for worse.

In that moment I held my breath, tensed my hands and got ready for information that could be ‘triggering’ in nature (lol) and he said this:

  • “You have become YOU and you love it”.

This made me think and reflect on many levels and it was a trend that I saw in many of my clients and friends too. Lots of us start off as standard characters and as we have more wins, recover from losses and get the upper hand on success; we become who we really are.

That is whatever exists inside of us; as we win that person comes out and expresses it out. For example, I have always been tough, hard, fun, dynamic and quite political who loves charity. As I succeed I express more of this behaviour.

I have seen this happen with many others as well with more wins bringing out who we really are. This is wonderful from many points of view and talking Marketing; the more unique we are the better.

My advice and thinking? As you win, expect your true nature to shine and certainly don’t be afraid of it; embrace it. I can understand why people can be afraid of success and everything changes in one’s life. The unknown can be scary, but of course that is where our rewards lie.

Keep winning, be yourself, let the world change around you and of course love it.

Thanks for the read, love your work, you rock Simon and stay awesome!



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