I always like to ask why things work the way they do. It gives us more power in our decision making!!

I always like to ask why things work the way they do. It gives us more power in our decision making!!

If you are a wonderful entrepreneur I bet you have heard many times already in that it takes ‘multiple exposures’ to get a response or a sell from people.

Depending on the source too, you can hear anything from 8 to 12, 50 to 80 or even 100+ (as it depends on industry and context of course).

Whilst this of course is true and I stand totally behind this point; I have never ever seen anyone explain to me why in a bit of detail.

I accept the overall point, but exactly how does it work? What is the mechanism? How can I understand it more on a deeper level?

These questions have driven my ongoing exploration on this topic and this is how I explain it to others and of course myself.

  • First thinking point / question: Do you ever buy anything when you see it for the first time? (Especially if you have never heard of the company). Probably NO.
  • Second thinking point / question: Will you buy it on just the second time? Probably NO.
  • Third thinking point / question: If you don’t trust the company yet, will you buy it? Probably NO.

And this type of questioning can go on. If you consider the number exposures to brand that we say don’t know at all, it will take a bit of time for it to build any sense of trust in our minds.

In what I do as a Marketing Mentor / Coach character it’s very much this. People can take months to develop any sense of trust for me before they will seriously consider working with me (or even attending a free workshop).

This changes too of course based on the service and what you are asking for. If it’s a simple low risk eCommerce Fashion purchase that is one thing. If it’s a multi-thousand-dollar niche service that is something else.

It also depends on the type of ‘exposures’ too. Someone seeing you 3 times on Facebook is totally different to someone seeing you 3 times in person at a Networking event.

My advice and thinking? Based on what you do and your business, get really into the minds of your customers. Ask yourself challenging questions like what do people need to know to feel good about hiring you? What must they learn to purchase your product? What makes them like you more? What pushes them away? What will make them hit the button now.

There are a lot of reasons and I find the more we explore this is the sharper our Marketing becomes. When I learn a new customer insight I am the first to reconsider everything I am doing to sharpen up my approach.

Think about it carefully and take MASSIVE action. It’s how we keep winning.

Love your work, thank you for the read, hit me with any questions and smash that like & share!



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