From inspiration to Bill Gates, to Vladimir Putin - my Power Wall inspires me!

From inspiration to Bill Gates, to Vladimir Putin – my Power Wall inspires me!

Even though I am quite a positive guy as many of you shall know; I did call it as it is by using the word ‘DEFEATED’ in my headline.

If you look at my wording though carefully, I did say when you ‘feel’ defeated. The reason I make this point is that often in our lives when we are on the verge of our biggest successes it can be easy to feel strangely down.

Or as happened to me; my business is incredible and I take a few knocks but I am still MILES UP and I feel a bit down. This happens to us all the time and I got a message from a great friend who I love to bits that feels a bit down now.

For whatever reason I came from this place of feeling down and I did so many things in my own life to turn this around. One of the biggest things I recommend to myself and many today is the importance of your POWER WALL.

You may have heard of VISION BOARDS whereby you put what inspires you on the board. Well, being Persian and loving Trump; I think that is a bit on the weak side and I think a BIGGER POWER WALL is the answer in these situations.

Whenever I feel down myself or even defeated; I really put some time into absorbing the messages from the great stuff on my power wall. From video games I want, to places where I want to be and also some of my heroes like Gordon Ramsay, Bill Gates and Vladimir Putin – it all inspires me and gets me back on the horse.

My advice and thinking? Build your power wall and really think it through.

It’s powerful, it’s helped me totally reprogram my subconscious mind and I love it. Create yours today and win big.

Love your work, thank you for the read and you stay awesome!



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