Email Marketing is one powerhouse strategy and highly recommended!
You gotta love Email Marketing! Over the years it’s been a powerful marketing strategy for me and about 2 – 3 years ago I lost count of how many clients how brought to my business.
I have had clients where this strategy alone has increased their sales by at least 40% which is amazing and very awesome for everyone involved.
The trick with email marketing is to really give people value and lightly sell your services. I am sure you are like me in that you sneer when someone you haven’t seen you in a long time just sends you a ‘sales’ email out of the blue.
You don’t want to be that person. You want to be the person that sends amazing high value content that inspires, educates and gets people hiring you.
Enjoy the Live Webinar Recording here. I ask you to take action on what you learn and if you aren’t a client of mine yet, you better consider it lol
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