Pretty Happy!
I have been in business for a good 4 – 5 years now (4 years full time) and for the last 12 – 18 months I have been going hard with Facebook. It’s been a tough one for a while, yet I finally cracked my approach and it’s awesome.
What it has come down to ultimately is producing so much video content, everyday, making it as interesting and helpful as possible – getting people as fans and then having the shares come in. For quite a while, I really did feel like I was hitting my head against a brick wall – however, the results started coming in.
Slowly, slowly, slowly – people would start sharing content and before I knew it, it has really built up into an impressive gathering which I am really excited and proud of. Basically, about 1 in 6 of my posts right now are going viral. My definition of viral – being shared at least 5 times.
Some have been shared hundreds of times. If I am trying to answer the question, ‘Edward how do I create a viral post?’ the answer is this:
Pump out as many posts as possible which are awesome. Do at least 5 a day. Then as you get better, content will start going viral.
This has happened to me and even I did get a bit lucky, I have had 1.6 million people see my posts in the last 7 days! Very awesome and proud of that.
Please feel free to check out my Facebook Page ‘Awesome Marketing with Edward Zia’ to see for yourself right here.
Trust you enjoyed the blog, share it with those it can help and stay awesome!
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