‘No Excuses’ – Liz from Contours sends a very intelligent message to the audience….
Tonight was an awesome night to hear some great motivational insights from the awesome Liz Olds from Contours. She is a kind, brilliant, incredibly fit and intelligent business woman who has the sharpness of steel – with the care to give anyone who needs it a helping hand.
During our Squeeze Business Networking event tonight, she was our Guest Speaker. Her topic was fitness, however she got right into ‘Excuses’ as part of it (which could apply to anything).
‘Excuses’ has been a very dangerous part of my life that I strive to give up. They are the invisible pathetic (yet ‘Rational’ on the surface reasons) that really hold our lives back and can minimize our chances of success.
For me, making ‘Excuses’ was one of the reasons I went broke and lost everything I had before I turned 30. It left me homeless counting my pennies and it was an experience which I knew I deserved.
During her presentation, Liz made the potent point of ‘Giving Up Your Excuses’. Talking in the context of fitness, she gave some creative ways that people make ‘Credible Excuses’ for themselves not to exercise or go to the gym. These included:
– I am too tired.
– I will go tomorrow.
– Being fit / healthy isn’t that important.
You get the drift. Basically, people (me included) have this trait and generating excuses that do lot lead to our prosperity. In a Business / Marketing sense, I have seen many of these in my time, including top ones of:
– I am too tired.
– I will market tomorrow.
– Marketing isn’t that important.
They sounded strangely similar and it got me thinking about the importance of kicking excuses to the curb. For me, I make very little excuses today and if I catch myself making an excuse, I get into my own mind and stomp it as quickly as possible.
I think people make excuses (at least I do) because they are afraid of trying something new or trying and failing. That’s been the logical basis of my excuses previously which sucked.
My advice and thinking? Admit you are making excuses and as Liz from Contours says – give them up as soon as possible. They are one bad habit and not worth it. Her advice is powerful take heed of what she is saying…
Trust these thoughts help, love your work and Stay Awesome!
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