Business can be a roller coaster and times, with morning rituals being the stabilizing influence!

I got asked by a very smart, attract and brilliant guy (who isn’t James lol) about my Morning Rituals and Routine.

When he asked, I tweaked that quite a few other people have asked about the same thing. People are amazed at how much I get done and how focused I am through the awesome roller coaster ride of business.

Business can be a roller coaster ride for sure at times and having great structure and productive mornings are everything. In short, I have done my morning rituals up to say 11AM on a standard day. If I say have a meeting at 9AM, I will do part of my ‘morning rituals’ in the afternoon. Enjoy:

  • 6AM to 8AM: Wake up + hot shower with lots of great thinking
  • 7AM to 9AM: Pre Coffee Marketing Thoughts Video + Walk + Answering Social Media Messages
  • 9AM – 11AM: Clean up emails + make my 10 calls + chase up people.

The key here is that when I first wake up (and in the shower), I am thinking carefully about what I want to achieve that day and focus on. If I say have 4 x meetings, I think about nailing them. If it’s a day of Social Media, I think about that and so on.

It just works for me and it’s great.

All of our lives are different, so my advice and thinking? Come up with your own morning rituals to prime you for a winning day.

Love your work, stay awesome and enjoy friends!



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