A pleasure working with Martha Arifin and Katina Beveridge tonight! NSW Chamber Rocks!
Women rock! If you have spent any time with me or read my blogs I am very pro-women rights.
Interestingly I was with a great big client who I have lots of respect for. As we spoke, he told me once of this time where he had a team of 50 x Sales Representatives which were all men (some time ago). He was the man who put on the first Female Sales Representative on the team who got attacked, put down and ridiculed for being a woman.
And guess what? She topped the sales charts out of all of them 2 years later. That was some time ago and winding the clock forward to today, it’s great seeing women across Sydney really winning and nailing it.
I get asked all the time by many about genders and who I prefer working with. I don’t think that is a fair question worth answering (as it’s sexist regardless of what I say), as it’s always the person that matters.
What I can answer though, is why I love working with women and I always enjoy seeing women succeed (based on their hard work and equal competition – not say positions where “X women must hold a position”).
The simple reason I love working with women is that they are quite emotional in the way they think. That is, they are more likely to understand people, connect with people, understand how someone feels and more so – I think can act more without ego and are cool with admitting they are wrong.
It’s also fun working with them!
My advice and lessons? It’s not a gender debate, it’s all about the person. Gender though is an influence and it’s great to understand the differences and strengths of women. If you are a Coach, Consultant or Mentor to – working with women is just rocks.
Love your work, thanks for the read, please share and stay awesome!
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