The original ‘Nike’. We love her work. (Image Credit and thanks to Wikipedia)
One of my awesome clients and community members called me and were asking me lots of questions on a Branding level about what they were doing and where they are going. As we spoke, they brought up a few of the world’s top brands as examples in discussing their tag line.
As we talked this through they started asking me lots of questions about the origins of Nike and how they established their global ‘Just Do It’.
I then activated my Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and started asking some questions and found some cool facts about Nike:
- It used to be called Blue Ribbon Sports
- It is a Military Supplier
- Nike is the Greek Goddess of Victory
When you stand back and think it through this is a really cool name for a line of Sporting Shoes and Apparel. It’s clever, sounds very sexy and it has obviously worked incredibly well.
My advice and thinking? Always good to look into trivia of ‘common knowledge’ we take for granted. In all my years of Marketing no one has ever told me this and it was an interesting find.
It helps us think of creative ‘out of the box’ ideas for our own businesses. The more ideas we are exposed to the more like we are to pick up on the best to take our own game to the next level.
Love your work, enjoy the thinking and thank you awesome *Angela* for the great question. You rock.
P.S. Image Credit and thanks to Wikipedia.
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