The LinkedIn Workshop at awesome Iglu Chatswood. Thank you Arjun Garg for your kind words and hard work!
It’s been lots of public speaking for me lately in anything from speaking to millionaires, business owners, women’s group, christian groups and some fantastic overseas students last night.
One of my awesome clients (Vani from StudyNet thank you) introduced me to the team at Iglu Chatswood who needed a speaker on LinkedIn and Resume writing.
Even though I mostly work with business audiences, I jumped at the opportunity to jump and help out replace one of their speakers that couldn’t make it that night. As we spoke on LinkedIn and Resume writing to a team of highly intelligent and kind people, I developed quite a healthy understanding of the “Iglu” concept which was news to me.
In my own terms, it’s the “Novotel” of Student Accommodation aimed at overseas students. You can have anything from shared to personal accommodation with very competitive rates. What gained my interest most of all was the support infrastructure and people it had for overseas students on their own when they arrive in Australia.
If I was say an 19 year old girl from Singapore coming to Australia on my own, the thought of going out on my own would be terrifying – but living at and being part of the Iglu community would be awesome.
It’s beautiful “4 to 5 Star” type accommodation and what fascinated me was the RA’s (Resident Assistants I think they are called) who look after the welfare and support groups of students. Arjun Garg was the awesome man who I worked with and him plus his team did all the work of bringing people together. If I was that proverbial Asian girl from overseas, I would jump at the idea of a bigger sister / brother looking after me to help you win in a strange (yet very awesome) foreign land.
We have a great event with chips, Tim Tams, Chocolate as the students learned from one of the hottest Marketing Mentors in town (me lol) how to leverage LinkedIn. It’s a great community they have and the impression that was left on me was simply this:
+ The Warm and Kindness of the People
I left feeling very positive, supported and quite confident about things. In the ‘dads joke’ humor of my title, I get why it’s called Iglu. My take is that it’s a reference to a very cold external world, but it’s warm within.
So well done Iglu and thank you Vani for the introduction. It’s a great concept and I only look forward to getting to know these wonderful people more.
Thanks for the read, like and share, stay awesome and Happy Friday or whenever you read this article.
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