The Awesome Samaneh Bakhshi put on a fantastic Persian Dinner Party Tonight which was enjoyable and helped me get out of my mode of frustration! Sometimes you got to put down the tools and come back and hit it all hard later on!
I don’t care what any Tree-Hugger / Positive Thinking Hippe thinks – when it comes to Sales & Marketing, Business and the Process of achieving, you will get instances of when you shall not get what you want.
That is, you may have a goal to say make a certain amount of money, get an amount of clients or achieve some business objective and rats – it doesn’t happen! Even though many consider me a success, I am the first to say in all FULL TRUTH that I have had plenty of goals that I haven’t achieved.
Mostly not so much I haven’t “Achieved It” – but more, I haven’t achieved it in the time-frame I was hoping for. When I started out, I was hoping to get to a Full-Time Client Workload in about 6 months. It ended up taking about 18 months. When I started Selling Online Products, what I thought I could achieve in 4 months is taking about 18 months and of course although I “Do Get There”, one can easily feel:
Come On! I mean like WTF, why does this have to take so long?
Quite a normal reaction before and that is just the cold hard truth – many of us have our own objectives, but despite our best interest they just take longer to achieve that we hope. When this happens, if you are like me – “Frustration” can be that emotion that kicks in.
For me today that was quite a revelation! I woke up incredibly frustrated by quite a few things. Not for any logical reason, it’s just that I have many projects and heavy objectives / short-time frames which I want things done – which may not happen in the real world. For me, I was on the edge all day and with thanks to the great Samaneh Bakhshi our Persian Friend who put on a “Persian Dinner Party” for us tonight!
This was great. I ate so many carbs, drank red wine and even started smoking some “Shish” pipes. Probably not what I should do all the time, but this party was great and getting me “Out of Frustration” and back into happiness and production mode. I logically know now after being all “Wound Up” this morning is that YES I will get there, but things just sometimes take a while and what is the big solution?
Keep at it and Smile.
Hardly a massive revelation but it’s true!
My advice? If you are a high achiever like myself, that is great! The reality is however at times that things won’t happen at the rate you want. The best cure for that is just staying at it, taking time out and not letting it get to you. Do one small part at a time of the big picture and keep at it. Smile and stay focused.
The odd Dinner Party does help!
Hope you enjoyed the read and thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor, Crazy Persian and Man who loves Overcoming Frustration with Focus!
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