This coffee tasted seriously good. Love Melbourne!

This coffee tasted seriously good. Love Melbourne!

It’s 9:28AM as a sit in one of the beautiful Cafés in Degraves St, Melbourne. The coffee is just fantastic, my omelette is cooked to perfection and it’s a massive hustle and bustle of sophisticated locals, tourists coming through and even a few tradies next to me enjoying a fine beer (at now 9:29PM in the morning).

I am actually from Melbourne originally and came to Sydney some 10 years ago and love both cities. As someone who has left Melbourne for Sydney, I get asked all the time:

–          So Edward, is Melbourne or Sydney better?

Of course that is incredibly subjective and the fact that I am living in Sydney and loving it is an obvious cast of my vote and what I truly think.

Having said that there are clears pros and cons to both cities which I have tried to summarise quickly here as I enjoy my fine breakfast:

  • Why Melbourne: Housing is affordable, it’s a great city. The food & coffee is world leading with beauty, culture and space to tune out. However, we warned – you can have four seasons in a day and its one cold place.
  • Why Sydney: Opportunities are everywhere, the latest technology is nearby and innovation comes from this place. The weather is wonderful with beautiful beaches, but be warned; property is expensive and traffic!

It’s now 9:34AM as I finish this blog and I am now awake, the coffee has kicked in and the omelette needs to be walked off as I hit a meeting.

My advice and thinking? Pick your favourite city and visit the other as much as you can justify. It’s worth it.

Love your work, stay awesome and till a bit later friends!



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