The Awesome Michael Basan from Parramatta Eels – he spends his whole job running a team helping the community. Nice!
It’s been a great few years for me in that the business has grown, married an amazing woman and life is all happening. I purchased and moved to Parramatta over a year ago and this part of Sydney has been very good to me and my success.
As a Victorian originally (who didn’t grow up with Rugby), I have started to develop quite an interest in the NRL. I got to know the teams and over time feel ‘in love’ with the Eels and now consider it my team.
My wife and I just had a great dinner at Parramatta Leagues Club (we live in walking distance) and I have been getting to know the people and the club on a deeper level.
Just recently I was very lucky to meet the Community Development Manager Michael Basan. We were at a Council Business Partnerships workshop, clicked and have started working together and helping each other.
Through my Chamber connections I have had some great people I can introduce him too and I have started to learn more about the club and what it does on a deeper level. In simple terms, Michael’s job is to run his team and help the community.
His work includes anything from supporting women, education, dealing with childhood obesity and when you learn how the club actually operates from this view – it’s quite admirable. I was quite impressed actually as I learned about the community side of Parra Eels, it’s something you don’t often hear about and something I wanted to shine the light on.
The clubs, the teams and the like are businesses with a very strong philanthropic slant and it’s that thinking that quite inspires me.
My advice and lessons? Next time you see your team (may I recommend the Eels of course), it’s great to think beyond the games, the business and the scoreboard – they are busy returning back to the community.
A good lesson for us all! Something for me to take on in my own business too.
Love your work, thanks for the read, Michael Basan you rock – and stay awesome!
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