Martha Arifin and Wae Drina Ng are two great people to have in my life. They rock, we think each other are awesome plus we are always on the lookout to refer each other clients. This is surrounding yourself with success!
It’s been quite a while since I have written my articles on “BAD” people. If you go back to my more original blog articles (which I admit were a bit more ranty in those days), I used to have lots of problems with BAD people. I even coined my own phrase for these people; BAD = Brilliant At Deception which got quite a few laughs at the time.
These days I am proud to say that I have nothing but GREAT AWESOME People in my life. Probably more 2012, 2013 and early 2014 I had lots of problems with having the wrong people in my life. Talking more to business, entrepreneurship and success – I had people that were using me for my free advice, putting me down all the time, trying to get me support their “Interesting Ideas” and basically using me in ways that weren’t very nice. I remember it was quite stressful at the time, I wasn’t earning anywhere near the money representative of my hardwork and they would just make me unhappy.
As I grew and kept pushing myself in every way, I eventually had enough of them, told them what I thought and moved on. It was a very liberating experience and with benefit of hindsight, all I can say is that I wish I did it cleaner, sooner and faster.
What this paved the way for was giving the room & space in my life to replace people that sucked with wonderful people. People such as Drina & Martha (who I dedicated this article too and have supported my success today) are the “Great” people I love to shine the light on. They were the polar opposite of those who oppressed me and we give each other mutual love and respect.
As I reflect on these new people, it’s amazing how they have enriched my life. Talking more to Business, having Great People in my life has:
1) Made me Feel Better.
2) Inspired me to Work Harder.
3) Is just a lot more Fun.
4) Results in more Quality Referrals.
5) Gives me great new Ideas.
6) Helps me Grow & Learn.
7) Is just way more profitable!
Yes, it’s just way more profitable. As a Business Owner / Entrepreneur or Serious Business Owner YOU WANT tons of great people in your life and to equally be also a great person in their life.
One caveat I suppose to this all is however is that I have seen win-lose relationships here. You get people that say apply my above thinking but it’s one way. I had someone once do this to me. She was very much in it for herself (going back a while) and in her life I was a great source of referrals and inspiration. In my life, she was quite the opposite – towards the end she became someone using me for free help, gladly taking referrals and even talking about me behind my back. Even though she did attack me and cause me some harm – she also gave me a massive gift, INSPIRATION and teaching me this great lesson.
My advice? Always be the one to give and make sure you have people that reflect the kindness you show them. If you say have people in our life that aren’t like that – work out how you can minimize exposure or even move on. I won’t lie to you in saying it’s easy, but sometimes you just have to move on. As for the awesome people – make sure you look after them.
Thank you for the read, thank you to Drina & Martha for the inspiration to write this article and love your work wonderful friends!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Business Commentator & Blogger who loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. The blog “The Edward Files” is one of his passions to help people in the life with anything from Marketing Tips to Life Insights.
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