The ATB Team had one rocking seminar tonight and it reminded me of how ‘Events’ can be one great Marketing Strategy. Love their work!
I am very lucky and be excited to be one of the supporting characters of the ATB Partners “Inviting Success and Reaching your Goals” Workshop that was on just tonight. ATB are a prominent Business Accounting and Advisory firm in Western Sydney (Parramatta) run by three clever operators; Paul Rattray, Michael Mekhitarian & Jim Vass.
This firm has quite a strong understanding of Marketing – in particular of that in how Live Events / Free Seminars can be a Awesome & Very Profitable Marketing Strategy.
As long as I have been around (and probably for many decades more than I have been on earth), running “Seminars / Events / Public Forums” have been one old time Marketing Strategy.
When done properly it works in the respect that if you are say presenting to 40 people at once for 1 hour, it’s massive leverage in the sense that you are touching more people at once with your awesomeness and quality ideas.
I have been doing variants of these since I have started my business and combined with say Social Media and Online Marketing (to say fill the events or show the results afterwards) it has been a great form of leverage for me which has helped me get leads, get my profile across town and improve my own success.
ATB Partners were no different tonight, they had 2 x Amazing Speakers with their own special angle. The first was a dynamic man the name of Geoff Olds (MD of techflare), a Top 100 BRW Growing Company and a very cool guy talking on being extraordinary in life & business. Secondly, was the SMSF Rockstar Julie Dolan (Founder of her own Consulting Firm) talking to the detail junkies of the room in how you can use Self Managed Super Funds to help you build your wealth. There were 40+ people, prizes, offers and all the quality things you expect.
In short, it’s quite a profitable strategy in that for what you pay to run it – it’s a great marketing strategy. Tonight, ATB Partners got several meetings which can turn into clients which is great – however, they also greatly increased their reputation in the business community. This may not get clients “immediately” but in my experience it stacks leading to more clients over time.
My advice and thinking? If you are in the Consulting Game especially, consider running events. They take some organization to get right, but when done properly they are worth it. Visit quite a few across town, learn the game, get ready and take the plunge yourself.
Love your work, thanks for the read and a massive thanks to ATB Partners for the great event tonight. Make sure you Google them to learn more!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor & ATB Partners Lover!
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