Conquer your fear of selling ASAP and win (thank you Escape Hunt Sydney for the great pic)

Conquer your fear of selling ASAP and win (thank you Escape Hunt Sydney for the great pic)

One of the big areas I am working on my own business and helping clients in their own enterprises is dealing with the fear of selling.

I remember being in my 20’s and learning how to sell (when I was in the Speciality Chemical Space) was really hard for me on many levels. Dealing with rejection, sales targets, all that pressure and the like really added up on me in many ways.

Today I am a total natural at it and I can certainly promise you that it wasn’t the case originally. I had to work very hard, commit myself to overcome the fear of selling.

Even if you have the best Facebook, LinkedIn, Email Marketing, Live Webinar Strategy or whatever the case maybe; at some point you have to sell! Last night at a workshop we ran, my awesome friend Martha Arifin made a great point.

She held up an empty bottle on a table before her and simply said “If you can’t sell this product in the real world face to face, how can you sell it online?”

Such true words were spoken and it has me thinking on many levels about this topic. Once you get a lead in, you need to speak with them and convert it into a customer. If you are online person, you have to know what to put on your website to sell.

There is lots to learn with the art of selling and here is my powerhouse tip to get over the fear of it.

  • Just keep pushing yourself and SELLING MORE!

That’s it!

I just had to keep doing it in my case and every day it got easier, I didn’t have to think about it and even to today where I am as comfortable selling as I am standing in my kitchen.

My advice and thinking? Just keep doing it. Hard at the start, but as your conscious and subconscious mind gets it, you shall be automatically ‘in the zone’ in no time.

Love your work, sell beautifully and get out there and explore fellow entrepreneurs!



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