One Soy Chai Latte coming up!
I have my routine now all set. My life was up in arms a few years ago and it all turned around when all of a sudden I bought a place to live, met the woman of my dreams (who is now my wife sitting behind me) and getting quite well known in the community.
My reference to ‘lattes’ and success is a nod towards how long things take and all the thousands of baby / little steps we take to achieve a result. From putting up the most simple post on FB, right through towards sitting down with clients for hours – all of the little things do add up in their own unique way.
As I go about my business (assuming I am say around Parramatta and not in the CBD), I will pop in to the very awesome Novotel Parramatta for my Soy Chai Latte and saying hello to the awesome F&B Manager Lucas.
I was thinking the other day of the thousands of lattes, coffees and variants thereof I must have drank over the years in business. Each of them represents to me those little steps that add up to a massive result.
My lessons and learnings? I think being aware that success is many ‘little steps’ is very important. From that viewpoint we get more patient, get the little things right and it all just comes together.
For me, lots of my hard work has paid off – and there are many more awesome challenges ahead. Think carefully about what you have to and keep heading there one step at a time.
Love your work, stay awesome, thank you Novotel Parramatta and thank you Lucas for the inspiration!
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