Joel Curtis is back as our Guest Blogger on a key theme of life, death and signifiance – all inspired from his trip to Thredbo. Thought Provoking and Compelling!
Joel Curtis the Psychologist is quite an amazing man that I have got to know over the past few months. I have had many people report back benefiting from his help, he is a strong Leader in our 4Networking Business Community and active proves his good nature with charitable donations.
My life has gone to the next level lately in spending more brilliant time with pure characters like him and he has a great guest blog titled “The Snowy Ride”.
It was confronting, thought provoking and I trust it shall touch you in an amazing way as it did me.
“The Snowy Ride” – Guest blog by Joel Curtis the Psychologist:
Over the weekend I spent some time in Thredbo for a charity event. 2,700 motor bike riders ascended the Snowy Mountains for a ride to raise money for childhood cancer research. This event has been going on for 14 years mostly unnoticed by the general public. In that time the charity has raised millions of dollars which has directly influenced (in a positive way) the survival rate of children in Australia diagnosed with cancer. While that is a great ending, the story didn’t start as well.
22 years ago an 11 young boy was diagnosed with cancer. For the next 8 years he and his family would fight tooth and nail to beat a deadly disease. They fought gallantly and work tirelessly to support each other through the toughest battle of their lives. This young man was in the prime of his life and lived each day to the fullest.
He was passionate about motor bikes and loved nothing more than getting out and riding as hard and as fast as he could. It was his escape from reality.
After 8 years of ongoing treatment the young man’s battle with cancer came to a sad and shocking end. His deadly disease had beaten him. The young man was strong, determined and free spirited. He left his family with one last request. He wanted them to organise a motor bike ride through the Snowy Mountains. He request was simple and selfless. He wanted the ride to raise money for children’s cancer research. He did this because he didn’t want any other child to have to go through what he went through. It was a request they honoured and to this day they are still honouring.
As I was watching the waves and waves of motor bikes riding through Thredbo I realised something. They, like myself, never knew the young man who created this wonderful legacy. They were there for the same reason I was. They wanted to be part of something bigger than themselves. It isn’t often in life that we get such an opportunity. The joy of knowing that something you are doing has a direct positive influence on people you will never meet, who will never know what you have done, is for me priceless.
As a Psychologist I spend my time helping people connect with themselves. I love doing my job. The joy I see in people’s faces when they finally connect with themselves is why I do what I do. I talk to people about making a difference. I work with them so that they can make a difference for themselves and for those around them. I teach them that one person can make a difference.
As the young man who lost his battle with cancer proved, one person can make a difference.
And yes that young man did just that, he made a difference, just ask the 2,700 people in Thredbo.
Joel Curtis – The Psychologist
Edward’s Guest Blog Commentary:
Even though I have hardly suffered from cancer, I personally know what its like to live in fear of my life and almost die myself. I learned from these experiences and also my mother who was a highly decorated Police Officer. She sometimes remarked your “Number is Up” – BUT you can do some amazing things with your life and help other people. Joel’s story touches on this person and how he turned his ending into the beginning for others.
Inspiring and super noble! Love it.
Google Joel Curtis – powerful!
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