Screw you Santa Claus! Christmas may like making it harder for Small Business Marketing, but my Online shall take care of you!
Bah Humbug. I hate Christmas. Yes, I have come out and said it. I have spent many Christmases alone (one living in my car which was just great), and I find it incredibly disruptive to my business.
Before you say “You Suck Edward”, I am not the only one on this view. We are all for celebration, families and the like – but talking business, it is incredibly annoying. Also, for many awesome Small Business Owners it’s a time of financial suffering for them. It can also be a problem in that you aren’t out “Selling” as much, so your new client acquisition can slow down.
One problem many of the great people I work with get is that even if they get through Christmas well enough, they then need to “Go Hard” and ramp up their marketing again. If you say start your Marketing in January, it can be March 2014 until you have some great sales results kicking in.
What I have done last year (which was great for me) is really using Online Marketing to help one over the break. You can do some very simple, low cost things to stay in the back of peoples minds so when 2015 starts, they are more likely to hire you and pick up work with you. I hope you enjoy these 7 Sales & Marketing Ideas to support you on this one:
1) Email Blast Saying Thank You: An oldie but a goodie. Now is the time!
2) Regular Facebook Posts: 2 – 3 times per week over the break is easy, achievable and doable. Schedule them if you must.
3) Write a few great Blog Posts: Why not? Get them out.
4) Email Blast Early January: Say hello again.
5) LinkedIn Contacts: Like Facebook, get your posts through here too.
6) Final Phone Calls: Say hello before the end of year.
7) Ask to start early 2015: If you can, get some commitment now from your clients to start with you in 2015.
I trust those tips help you wonderful beautiful people and thank you from Edward Zia!
P.S. I’d love you to check out my Premium Online Course full of Awesome Sales & Marketing Strategies + Ideas for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs! >> Check it out right here!
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