It’s an honour to be see the Salvation Army in action with their fine planning and great works!
I joined the Army! Yes, for the second time – this time instead of fighting for my country I am fighting to help people (like me once) that need support.
I am very blessed to be invited in to join the Salvation Army Greater West and as I write this blog article, I am sitting at Condon Associates ‘Military Style’ with a bunch of awesome people planning boundaries and getting ready for the next Red Shield Campaign coming up.
If you know some of my back story, even though life is awesome now – I have had some bouts of homelessness and in my 20’s I was very sick with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) from my Government days. I never have regretted my days of serving my country – however, I did need lots of help in my 20’s which I never received.
Throughout my whole history, the Salvation Army have been those ‘support’ characters that have supported me in very key times in my life. Sure, many consider me successful today – and being straight up if it wasn’t for the Salvation Army I seriously doubt I would be as successful today.
Bringing it it back to now, I have been donating my skills and time to help people through Christian good work and it’s quite an honour to be part of all this. We are planning our Red Shield and our donation drive for 2016. It’s got me ‘positively emotional’ in the respect of the great work they are doing.
One thing I love about Christianity and many charitable faiths is that it really does drive people from a ‘higher purpose’ viewpoint to help people. As I sit here, I am inspired by people who are not driven by the dollar – but are truly driven to help people beyond themselves.
Stay tuned for things to come! I am helping them with their PR & Marketing and can’t wait. To learn more, feel free to like their Facebook Page and Check out Red Shield Appeal:
– https://www.facebook.com/TheSalvationArmyAustralia
– http://salvos.org.au/get-involved/help-us-fundraise/red-shield-appeal/
Love your work people, feel free to share this with those it can help and stay awesome!
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