Leaving my lights on and flattening my battery was annoying, but it led to an amazing outcome. Sometimes life sucks a bit, so got to look for the positive as much as we can!
I have had a big mean cold lately, been really tried, doing long hours and getting through the day is an achievement right now. I love my life and business and at times, things are just “Hard” and that is the natural ebbs and flows of life in my view. I tend to disagree with the “Whacky Positive Thinkers” out there who generally have no money and pretend that everything is wonderful and you can tell they are lying to themselves as much as yourself.
In being “Whacky and Positive” myself within the same breath I have been exhausted over the past few days. Lots of consulting, great new clients, 4Networking has early starts and I am glad I am home now and can rest.
I had a great negative situation today, I rested in my car and left my lights on for about 30 minutes. And guess what! My battery was old and I ran down the battery. I called the awesome NRMA and it was peak hour so they were about 55 minutes till they arrived.
During this time, I was playing “Life Coach” and telling myself as many positive things as possible to not let things take me over. At the start I was like “OMG Come on!” but over time I thought “What is the meaning of this?”, “Why?”.
This awesome NRMA man came along and within minutes it all made sense. He has his own business on the side and he asked what I did. I told him about Marketing and he asked me about Facebook and I was telling him all about it. Guess what? He took my details, loved my advice and me getting a new battery turned into an awesome sales opportunity. Whether he calls me or not, all good – the point being if I didn’t have that “Negative” event of my old battery running flat there is no way I would have that great chance meeting.
My advice and learnings from this? Sometimes life just does suck and bad things happen which can be totally annoying. But in these moments, we can kick and struggle all we want – however if we “Surrender” to reality and focus on a positive outcome great things can happen. I could have done that, been “Grumpy Cat” and missed out presenting some great concepts to this guy. Thank god I didn’t!
So if bad things happen to you, hang on my friends and look for as much positivity as you can. Not easy, you may feel like you are “Lying” to yourself – but what else can you do?
Off to bed for me now and back to full health for tomorrow touch wood! Thank you for the read and don’t leave your lights on from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor!
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