Mind Over Matter: The Amazing Kylie & Marc Warry – Very lucky to report on their story of facing Mortality head on!
Kylie Warry is this amazing woman who I actually met watching her deliver an amazing presentation on Communications. There was about 35 of us at this Networking Event and Kylie had this charisma and magnetic personally of connecting with the room and leaving us something powerful to walk away with. She works with plenty of high-end corporates teaching Communications, Leadership and lifting performance with teams and leaders alike.
Over time I got to know her and I was very lucky to be working with her as a client, augmenting her amazing Training and Corporate Leader skills with my own Online / Small Business Marketing ability. In a few months she got news from her doctor that she didn’t want to hear and went through the pressure / tension of facing one’s own Mortality and possible Oblivion.
A lot of people ask me about my own physical death and I say it actually wasn’t that bad. The gun battle leading up to it, watching my partner (who I know was mortally wounded) being dragged away while I was covering them was painful – but I realized quite quickly I am going to die (I was outnumbered, being flanked and had my last magazine of ammunition. Fortunately my foes were terrible shots without any formal military training or I would be a statistic right now). Once I accepted that and the beating that was to come sure was painful, but as I felt death coming – it was a strangely comforting experience knowing “I am going back to my creator”.
It’s funny, speaking to my mother and many people like me that almost died report similar experiences. It must be part of the human soul, once you know you are about to leave the world and have truly accepted it – death loses all it’s negative connotations. It’s coming back that hurts more! (But another conversation for another time).
What was more painful was later on was when my old Fiance Jillian Left me, losing my job and being unemployed. I lost most of my friends, started my life in a new city (being Sydney) and had almost no value in myself – in countless job rejection after job rejection. Going to Centrelink (Australian’s Unemployment / Dole Center) was the worst day of my life. Admitting that I couldn’t support myself anymore and asking the government for money after years of 6 Figure Income was painful – one fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy! I am not the only person to say that too – I have known many to overcome cancer and near death situations that say lost their marriages, loved ones or employment – is a way harder and more painful experience.
That was way harder and bringing it back to the amazing Kylie she has been through way more than I have. I have never actually been sick hinging on conversations and test results, my death came quite quickly with no stressful build-up or uncertainty. Even writing this down terrifies me – waiting for that phone to ring or watching the envelope open – that would be a painful experience.
I watched Kylie deal with the uncertainty of test results, meetings and then getting “The News” and having to undergo a very painful process to defend against it. What amazed me about her was watching her face her own possible end with pride, bravery and even a smile of humor. She is an amazing woman and her fine husband Marc is a perfect man – standing by her side at every moment throughout her treatment process.
Besides me having a great personal respect for Kylie, seeing her story made me reflect on my own near oblivion and bringing it back to more Business and Entrepreneurialism – she actively walked her own talk and proved “Mind Over Matter”. In fact, I have seen many people die and I heard some of their stories prior (with a few old friends of mine deceased Vietnam Veterans – may God rest their fine souls) and I found people either go one way or the other. The ones that go on the Negative, Destructive, Drinking Path are the ones that die off mostly / earlier – but the ones that go in the positive, spiritual direction seemed to pull through. Even so, when they come back to full health and beat what happened to them – they are way more powerful than before the events.
Kylie is exactly that, we all know death is hardly an option for her and her mindset is so powerful she faced her possible death and a painful medical procedure with the following line she expressed to me:
– “When I get over this [cancer], I am going to have some really great content for my Seminars and Articles!”.
What an amazing woman! Her fine husband Marc and I were with her at a Cafe when she uttered these words and you could see the satisfaction that came from her. Countless studies from key areas show the mind / body connection and although we are all concerned for Kylie – her mindset and approach gives us little to worry about in terms of her conquering her situation and coming back stronger. Relating myself personally, it’s these type of extreme challenges that often unlock our true abilities and define who we really are.
Yes, she is going through Chemo-Therapy and working hard on her business and helping others. I know people who are perfectly healthy that don’t have her work ethic and I personally look forward to watching her go through this process and building a massive business when this passes.
Seeing Kylie Warry’s story first hand and being lucky to be a minor support in her process has really taught me a lot about life and where things are going. Marc is at her side and Kylie has used her own materials that she teaches to turn what conquers many into a “Positive Life Changing Experience”. Talking to more my Persian Money Making DNA – I can see her running massive Seminars, Workshops and Blogging (Article Writing) about her experiences and telling her story and being handsomely remunerated for it.
Make sure you check out her business website right here, and say a prayer for this fine example of courage under fire. She is truly one inspiration and a story I am very lucky to help start telling – I look forward to when we hear her side of things.
Thank you for the read and God Bless from Edward Zia! Make sure you say a great prayer for Kylie out there – every little bit helps.
Note for Kylie: Keep doing what you are doing! You are on amazing example of the elite few that truly walks their talk!
5 Responses
Kylie is indeed a talented and beautiful person inside and out. I have watched her train and I believe her when she says she will use this experience to teach others. Truly inspirational!
Monique you are so on the money with the amazing Kylie Warry. I am one to believe that “Adversity” brings out who people really are and it has shown Kylie to be an amazing caring woman who cares God’s way. Amazing being the conduit for her story and I can wait till she tells it on the stage in front of hundreds of people!
Thank you for sharing this I needed it bless you both what inspirations you both are to me.
Kylie and Marc Warry are a power couple and I am totally blessed to be able to help share their experience and story. Very few stand united in times like these and knowing them has been a life changing experience for the better! Thank you Cathy for your great post and your awesome contribution.
[…] Right here on “The Edward Files” we are lucky to have great topics and Awesome Experts joining us from a range of fields. This time, we have our previous “Hero” Kylie Warry from Teamology talking on Human-to-Human Communications. If you have been following the blog for a while, you may have read about her “Conquering the Big C” and I was very lucky to write about here in the heat of her battle right here. […]