Suraj Sodha – The Amazing Blogger Educator I was lucky to spend time with and get great advice from. I love his work! Brilliant and watch the refinements come out in my site very soon!
Suraj Sodha is one amazing Blogger and during my Business Trip to the UK I was so lucky to be able to spend some time with him. If you Google his name or visit his main website you can see his is one powerhouse player with an awesome reputation to boot.
Blogging and Online Marketing has always been something I have really wanted to do. Originally when I was an employee (before I got washed up in the GFC) I dabbled in many things. Be it from Property, to Currency Trading to the like – I have tried many thing to really find my calling.
Blogging is one of those key areas of interest to me always. When I got my Small Business Marketing Consulting Business going I had to put a great deal of thought into what direction once I succeeded as a One-On-One Consultant.
From Mastermind Groups, to Becoming a Seminar Guy, to Selling More Seminars – non-stop I was racking my brain working on direction. For me, it always came back to Blogging and Products. The big why behind this? I love Writing and Commercially I like how it works. Suraj gave me great insight with Blogging earlier on and about 4 months ago (as I write this article) I became a heavy blogger.
The results have been amazing and I met with Suraj during the May 2014 “Business Show” at the Excel Centre at London Docklands and got some great sage advice from him. He gave amazing commentary on a few points about Blogging and how to Profit from it. The key tips he gave me about it was:
1) Develop Your Strategy: Work out what you want to do with Blogging and how it fits in with your greater business.
2) Work out Your Specialty: Mine is Small Business Marketing and I totally love it. I always enjoy teaching my Strategy and Insights around that area.
3) Have the Right Products: Be it they are your own products or you are selling affiliate products you need the right ones to fit in with solving the problem / need you are working on. My product is the Awesome Marketing Vault, developed for this purpose and I love it.
4) Write Blogs that Relate to the Problem and Offer a Solution: I loved this point that Suraj made, as you blog – write articles that solve the persons problem directly. As I have learned, not all the time about yourself – but at times, write articles helping other people solve them problems in style.
5) Make sure your site is obvious and tells people what to do: This bit I like and was one of the key insights. On my site, it’s more just letting people figure it out. Suraj made a great point, it’s about directing people to exactly where they need to go and telling them what to do! This makes complete perfect sense to me.
A big thank you to Suraj! I got a lot out of it and considering I have been only blogging 4 months as I write this article I am quite impressed with the Reputation Results already. A great thank you from Edward Zia and of course a big thanks to Suraj Sodha! I love his work and his powerhouse advice!
You can enjoy some great footage of Suraj and I speaking as well in this fine article.
Thank you from Edward Zia! Small Business Marketing Mentor and Entrepreneur Lover!
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